Como fazer uma cerca viva

As cercas vivas são plantadas ao longo da linha de propriedade para fornecer um obstáculo natural para os animais. As plantas usadas para cercas vivas devem ser escolhidas com cuidado, pois precisam s ...

Como fazer uma cerca viva

As cercas vivas são plantadas ao longo da linha de propriedade para fornecer um obstáculo natural para os animais. As plantas usadas para cercas vivas devem ser escolhidas com cuidado, pois precisam ser fortes o suficiente para suportar o crescimento e a pressão dos animais, além de ter uma raiz robusta para manter a planta no lugar. Aqui estão algumas dicas para ajudá-lo a escolher as plantas certas para a sua cerca viva.

When choosing plants for a living fence, you will first need to decide what type of barrier you want it to be. If you are looking for a barrier to keep out small animals, you will want to choose plants with thorns or prickles. Some examples of these plants include rose bushes, blackberry bushes, and honey locust trees. If you are looking for a fence to keep out larger animals, you will want to choose plants that are tall and have a strong root system. Some examples of these plants include Leyland cypress trees, arborvitae trees, and live oak trees.

Once you have decided on the type of barrier you need, you will need to select the plants that are best suited for the area you are planting in. If you are planting in an area that gets a lot of sun, you will want to choose plants that can tolerate full sun. If you are planting in an area that gets partial sun, you will want to choose plants that can tolerate partial sun. It is also important to choose plants that are native to your area, as they will be better suited to the climate and soil conditions.

After you have selected the plants for your living fence, you will need to prepare the area for planting. You will need to clear the area of any debris, such as rocks or sticks. You will also need to till the soil so that it is loose and easy to work with. Once the area is prepared, you will be ready to plant your fence.

When planting your fence, you will want to dig a trench that is about 6 inches deep and 18 inches wide. You will then want to line the trench with a layer of straw or leaves. This will help to hold the moisture in and keep the roots of your plants from drying out. After you have lined the trench, you will then want to plant your plants. You will want to space the plants about 18 inches apart so that they have room to grow.

Once you have planted your fence, you will need to water it well. You will also need to fertilize the plants every few weeks with a balanced fertilizer. You will want to keep an eye on the growth of your plants and trim them back as necessary. With a little care, your living fence will provide you with years of enjoyment.